Rent top-tier IT equipment with flexible options, tailored for both businesses and individuals.

IT Equipment Rentals for All Your IT Needs!

Get the latest tech, from LAPTOPS TO SERVERS, with affordable rental plans tailored to your business.

 Your IT Needs, Just a Click Away

    Rental Products

    Laptop On Rent

    Commercial series equipment
    from Dell / Lenovo / HP preferred, available for lease laptop and rental laptop needs.

    Desktop PC On Rent

    Commercial series equipment from Dell / Lenovo / HP preferred, available for lease desktop and rental computers your IT needs.

    Printer & Scanners
    On Rent

    For businesses looking for flexibility, we offer a leasing printer or scanner option, allowing you to upgrade or exchange your equipment

    Server On Rent

    We have ready stock of servers on lease and rental server to solve various purposes, such as Events, Software Development,

    Workstation On Rent

    Our offerings include products available for rent, ranging from leasing mobile workstations to normal CPU workstations rentals

    Network Equipments
    On Rent

    Comprehensive rental range a diverse selection of networking equipment rentals, including Firewalls, Routers, Switches, Wi-Fi

    Laptop On Rent

    Commercial series equipment
    from Dell / Lenovo / HP preferred, available for lease laptop and rental laptop needs.

    Commercial series equipment from Dell / Lenovo / HP preferred, available for lease laptop and rental laptop your IT needs. Specific make & model available. OS and Application Software of Microsoft under SPLA provided if required. A wide range of processor assets from the latest generation, including both Intel and AMD processors, tailored to suit various testing needs and catering to budget-friendly to high-end technology solutions.

    One Stop Solution For All Your IT Needs!

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    Business Impact


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    IT Rental Solutions For Every Sector

    Long-term & Short-term Rentals To All Your Technology Needs

    Corporate Rentals
    • Whether you’re undertaking a special research project, hosting a short-term internship program, or facing a temporary shortage of IT hardware, we’ve got you covered.
    Schools & Colleges
    • Laptops are also available in quantities for Office, Events & Exhibition, Office use, Classrooms, Meetings, Conferences, Corporate Meetings with low budgets.
    Event Rentals
    • Are you planning to organize a business conference, product demonstration, or trade show? We offer a comprehensive range of IT solutions – from laptops and computers to servers and more to ensure your event runs seamlessly.
    • Remote Teams
    • Startups
    • Non-Profits
    • Film and Media Production
    • Consulting Firms
    • Training Programs
    • Construction Companies
    • Healthcare Providers
    • Our tailored IT Rental solutions ensure your technology needs are met effectively.

    Why Choose RAC IT Solutions?

    RAC offers customized networking solutions designed to address your unique requirements, ensure both efficiency and effectiveness.




    Peace of


    Transform your place into a productive work environment by renting all the IT equipment.

    How Does It Work?


    Connect with us for seamless networking solutions.


    Expert advice for seamless networking solutions.


    Tailored equipment to fit your exact needs.


    Ensuring reliability with every connection.


    Keeping your network strong, today and tomorrow.


    Connect with us for seamless networking solutions


    Expert advice for Tailored equipment to fit your exact needs.


    Ensuring Reliability With Every Connection.


    Get A Quote

    Contact us today to get a quote tailored to your specific needs and requirements.


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    Rental Products(Required)
    Rental Products*ServersDesktopsLaptopsNetworking EquipmentsWorkstationsStorage DevicesUPSCloud ServicesPrinters & ScannersAV Equipment & Surveillance CamerasOthers
    Select Duration*1 month3 month6 month1 yearOther

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    Our Prominent Customers


    What types of IT equipment can I rent?

    We offer a wide range of IT equipment for rent, including laptops, desktops, servers, computers, networking equipment, and more. Custom configurations are available to suit your specific needs.

    What brands of IT equipment do you offer?

    We provide a variety of top brands such as Dell, HP, Lenovo, Apple, IBM, and others. You can choose the brand and specifications that best meet your needs.

    Can I extend my rental period? And what are the payment options?

    Yes, you can extend your rental period. Just contact us before your original rental agreement expires, and we will adjust the rental terms accordingly. We accept various payment methods. Payment terms can be discussed and arranged based on your needs.

    Do you offer customized configurations?

    Absolutely. We understand that different projects require different specifications, so we offer customized configurations to meet your specific needs.

    Is there a deposit required?

    Depending on the equipment and rental duration, a deposit may be required. This will be discussed during the booking process.

    Can I rent equipment for events or training sessions?

    Yes, we frequently provide IT equipment rentals for events, training sessions, conferences, and other temporary setups. We can assist with large-scale requirements as well.


    RAC IT Solutions Pvt Ltd Office No. 408 / 409, 4th Floor, "Parle Square", Monghibai Road, Vile Parle (East), Mumbai 400057.

    © 2024. RAC IT Solutions PVT LTD. All rights reserved.