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Frequently asked questionsFAQ

1. What Operating System Do The Computers Come With?

We usually do not offer any software along with the rented equipment because of the varied nature of demand. However, legally licensed OS and/or application software from Microsoft can be provided at appropriate additional rental cost.

2. Is Shipping Included In The Cost Of The Rental?

Deliveries in cities where RAC’s branches are established, transportation costs are not charged, unless the rental duration is very short. Presently, we have branches at Mumbai, Bengaluru, Pune, Kolkata, New Delhi, Chennai & Hyderabad.

3. What Is Included With The Rental?

All our products are a la carte. Keyboard & Mouse are included with all desktop computers. Multi-media accessories, however, will be supplied only on order and with appropriate adjustment in rental rates.

4. Do You Offer Technical Support?

We offer Technical Support In following manner: ‘8x7x365 days’ Or ‘16x7x365 days’ Or ‘24x7x365 days’. Naturally, our rental rates would have factored in the extent of support required by the client.

5. Do You Have Ties Up At Other Cities?

Presently, we have a tie-up at Thane near Mumbai, to service clients located in Thane and Navi Mumbai.

6. What Equipments Do You Rent Out?

RAC gives for Rent all types of IT Equipment with desired configuration. The equipment ranges from Servers, High-end Servers, Networking Equipment, Workstations, Storage Devices, Back-up Devices, Desktops, Laptops, High-end Printers & Scanners, AV Equipment, Surveillance Cameras, etc. We are also open to client specifications in terms of brand & vendor, provided the rental order duration is of more than a year.

7. What Is The Minimum Rental Period?

Usually 3 months to 3-5 years. However, we do rent out for shorter duration of as short as 1 day. We have daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly & annual rental tariffs.

8. Do You Provide International Service For Laptops?

International support is available on branded laptops with international warranty. You may have to take the laptop to the nearest service center.

9. Do You Offer Insurance?

We do not offer products with insurance. Damage / loss if any during the rental period will have to be compensated by you.

10. Do You Rent To Individuals?

In exceptional cases, we do rent out to individuals with impeccable credentials against refundable deposit of amount equal to the cost of the equipment being rented or thereabouts.

11. What Documents Do You Require?

Depending upon the deal size and customer profile, we, as financing intermediary, require various documents like KYC documents, copies of audited financials for last 3 years, copies of registration certificates like Incorporation Certificate, Sales Tax / VAT / GST registration, PAN, CIN, etc.